40 weeks 3 days in ➡️ 40 weeks 3 days out
I did not “bounce back”…I worked my butt off and was consistent with my core workouts throughout my pregnancy and postpartum recovery 💯
As a corrective exercise & injury prevention specialist it is SO essential to train your core & pelvic floor before pregnancy, throughout your entire pregnancy & newly postpartum for a quicker and healthier postpartum recovery 🤍
A well-functioning core and pelvic floor are both essential to feel and move your best!

Every pregnancy and postpartum journey is unique. But no matter where you are in your journey (even if you’re 40 years postpartum!) You can heal and strengthen your deep core 🙌🏻🙌🏻
6 years ago, after my twin pregnancy I lost all my core strength 😞 I had an emergency C-Section then 6 months postpartum I had an emergency double hernia surgery!! It took me a lot of patience and effective exercises to gain that strength back. But with consistency and determination…I did it! 👏🏻👏🏻
So there is no such thing as “bouncing back” it’s being diligent, patient, effective & creating awareness of our bodies!
This postpartum journey I have felt my strongest and this has definitely been my quickest recovery in terms of strength! Plus I feel amazing getting back into my regular workout routines.

Did you know I offer programs for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, postpartum & motherhood!?!